Dr François M. Longin pursues a career in banking and finance by allying research, consulting and training.
François Longin graduated from the engineering school Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in 1990 and from the PhD Program at HEC Graduate School of Management in 1993. His thesis is about extreme movements in financial markets such as stock market crashes. He then conducted research on financial markets at New York University and London Business School. François Longin has been a professor of finance at ESSEC Business School since 1994.
François's main research interest lies in extreme events in finance such as stock market crashes. For many years he has been working on the applications of extreme value theory to financial markets : the statistical distribution of extreme returns, the setting of margins in derivatives markets, the impact of financial regulation on market volatility, the improvement of portfolio management techniques during highly volatile periods, the computation of value at risk for market positions, the definition of catastrophe scenarios for stress testing... His research has been applied by financial institutions in the risk management area (market, credit and operational risks). He received the Chicago Board of Trade award for his research on derivative products. Some of his research works can be found in scientific journals such as The Journal of Finance, Journal of Business, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Derivatives et Journal of Asset Management.
François has worked for many years as managing director of a research and innovation department in a leading international financial institution where he managed a team of financial engineers working for the bank trading rooms and asset management firms. He is currently a financial consultant and his domain of expertise covers risk management for financial institutions, portfolio management for asset management firms, financial management for non-financial firms and wealth management for individuals. He also animates FinLink, which is a professional network specialized in the banking, finance and insurance sectors, and participates to the SimTrade project, which is a trading simulation website.
François Longin's resume on the ESSEC website
François Longin's profile on Google Scholar (publications)
François Longin's profile on FinLink